September 19, 2024
The Association of Energy-Efficient Cities reported with what kind of generation deficit Ukraine will enter the winter thumbnail

The Association of Energy-Efficient Cities reported with what kind of generation deficit Ukraine will enter the winter

Ukrainian energy engineers will be able to prepare for work by the beginning of December 2024, taking into account the restored generation, approximately 14-15 GW of generating capacity”, — write:

Ukrainian energy engineers will be able to prepare for work by the beginning of December 2024, taking into account the restored generation, about 14-15 GW of generating capacity, which will leave the power system with an expected deficit of about 4 GW, which cannot be fully covered by imports.

About this stated executive director of the Association of Energy-Efficient Cities of Ukraine (AEU) Svyatoslav Pavlyuk during the discussion “Keeping the light: the battle for the Ukrainian power grid”, transmits “Interfax-Ukraine”.

“This (generation deficit – ed) in general is up to 20% of production. This is actually an optimistic picture,” he said.

As Pavlyuk noted, after the start of the full-scale war, the Ukrainian energy system in 2023 had 18 GW of available capacity at its disposal, but after a series of massive enemy attacks on the energy infrastructure, starting in March 2024, by July, the working capacity was reduced to about 10 GW.

Currently, the expert added, the key basis of production in the Ukrainian energy system is three nuclear power plants with a total installed capacity of up to 8 GW.

At the same time, some power units cannot work at full load due to equipment malfunction. In addition, about 50% of the capacities of hydroelectric power stations were damaged, the total installed capacity of which before the war was up to 6 GW.

Also, as of August, the available capacity of thermal power plants and cogeneration reached 5.5 GW.

In the field of installations with renewable energy sources, Ukraine lost 80% of wind power and 20% of solar power in the occupied territories, respectively.

“In general, we’re coming into this heating season in a situation where all the generation on the left bank of the country is mostly destroyed, suspended or damaged, and it’s not working. And the east of the country is very dependent on the transmission system. So the functionality of the transmission system is absolutely critical to cope with the problems of the heating season,” commented the executive director.

Read also: Gigawatt Zelenskyi. Are the plans for the construction of shunting generation before winter real?

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