September 24, 2024
Tens of millions by the end of the year: the government has allocated insane amounts of money for sending out summonses, - mass media thumbnail

Tens of millions by the end of the year: the government has allocated insane amounts of money for sending out summonses, – mass media

The Ministry of Finance is instructed to allocate funds from the reserve fund of the state budget.”, — write:

The Ministry of Finance is instructed to allocate funds from the reserve fund of the state budget.

The government has allocated huge amounts of money to send out summons / screenshotThe government has allocated huge amounts of money to send out summons / screenshotThe Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allocated 71,820,000 hryvnias for the centralized printing of 900,000 summonses by the end of 2024. This is reported by “Ukrainian Pravda” with reference to documents received by the publication.

It is noted that the relevant decision was adopted by the government at a meeting on Tuesday, September 24. According to the explanatory note of the Ministry of Economy, it is planned to print 300,000 summonses per month. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance is instructed to allocate funds from the reserve fund of the state budget.

“3, in order to strengthen the state’s defense capability, to allocate UAH 71,820,000 to the Ministry of Defense for the centralized printing of summonses for calling up reservists or conscripts to the district (city) territorial center of recruitment and social support or its department, which are formed with the help of the Unified State Register of Conscripts, conscripts and reservists, and sending the specified summonses to conscripts and reservists by means of postal communication by registered mail with a description of the attachment and a notice of delivery,” the document says.

Mobilization in Ukraine – latest newsAs UNIAN reported, summonses to conscripts began to arrive by mail. If the person did not receive the summons personally or was not present at the place of registration, then it is considered that the person still received the summons.

The subpoenas were generated, most likely, using data from open registers and actions to which the Ministry of Defense has access.

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