September 20, 2024
Telegram is the main social network through which Ukrainians receive news thumbnail

Telegram is the main social network through which Ukrainians receive news

In 2024, Telegram became the main social network in which Ukrainians read news.”, — write:

In 2024, Telegram became the main social network in which Ukrainians read news.

About this informs “Mirror of the week”.

In 2024, Telegram continues to remain the main social network through which Ukrainians receive news. And although its share increased by only 1% over the last year, it is the main source of information for 73% of Ukrainians.

As for other social networks, from which Ukrainians draw data, the popularity of YouTube increased over the year – up to 19%, but the popularity of Facebook as a source of information fell – from 19 to 16%.

At the same time, half of Ukrainians believe that the state should not interfere in the work of Telegram, a third believe that certain regulation is useful, and 4% are in favor of banning it in Ukraine.

It is reported that in the event of its ban, half of Ukrainians, in particular 52%, will look for other sources of news consumption, 31% will use Telegram and continue through bypass services, and another quarter are ready to subscribe to the same resources and bloggers on other services.

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