“The Poltava Regional TCC reported two cases “evasion of military service by self -concept” in the Kremenchug district shopping center and JV. Source: Poltava Regional Criminal Code and JV Details: According to the military, at about 3 pm on Friday, a 25-year-old citizen “began to scratch his hands with keys” at the collection of a 25-year-old citizen “when he learned that he was recognized as suitable for military service.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Poltava Regional Shopping Center and SP
Details: According to the military, at about 3 pm on Friday, a 25-year-old citizen “demonstratively began to scratch his hands with keys” when he learned that he was recognized as suitable for military service.
Literally: “At about 6pm of the same day, such actions by glass from a broken bottle were repeated by a 32-year-old military. In both cases, primary care was provided by doctors of the Military Medical Commission.
The ambulance, which arrived at the call of the next shopping center, stated the fact that there were no threats to the life of citizens. But since the “men” stated that they would better kill themselves than they would be in defense of their country they were sent to a psychiatric ward.
Despite the fact that these shameful acts of cowardice and self -harm are widespread in the media as a “suicide attempt”, the command of the Poltava Regional Criminal Code and SPC considers them as an attempt to evade military service. After all, in both cases, this was done demonstratively, in the eyes of witnesses, without any threat to life or health, realizing that the doctors present will have time to provide the necessary help. Therefore, no attempt to deprive yourself of life can even be a language. ”
Details: The Tax Code emphasizes that in both cases, citizens have already passed the VLK and were recognized as suitable for military service, including a psychiatrist, and expected to be sent to the training center as servicemen.
Therefore, after treatment, “law enforcement officers will be considered as a military.”
It is noted that Article 409 of the Criminal Code for Military Service by Self -Calizing in Martial Status provides for punishment 5 to 10 years of imprisonment.