“In Kyiv, law enforcement officers “red-handedly” detained a hospital official who demanded $5,000. from the military for confirmation of the disability group. Source: press service of the National Police Verbatim: “The perpetrator, using her official position, decided to take advantage of the defender, who received 28 wounds at the front and was already recognized as a disabled person of the second category.””, — write: www.pravda.com.ua
In Kyiv, law enforcement officers “red-handedly” detained a hospital official who demanded $5,000. from the military for confirmation of the disability group.
Source: press service of the National Police
Literally: “The perpetrator, using her official position, decided to take advantage of the defender, who received 28 wounds at the front and was already recognized as a disabled person of the second category.”
Details: It is reported that for the specified amount of money, the person involved promised him to prepare a package of documents and agree on the confirmation of the disability group.
The suspect was detained immediately after handing her a bribe in the amount of 210,000 hryvnias, she faces up to 10 years in prison.
Know more: How will the disability group be established for military personnel after the liquidation of MSEK: clarification of the Ministry of Health