February 7, 2025
Scientists decrypt the charred scroll of 2000 years old: what they learned thumbnail

Scientists decrypt the charred scroll of 2000 years old: what they learned

What is important is that scrolls will reveal if the researcher tries to unfold them manually, which is likely to destroy all the traces of writing.”, – WRITE: www.unian.ua

What is important is that scrolls will reveal if the researcher tries to unfold them manually, which is likely to destroy all the traces of writing.

Library Group stated that she started interpreting text columns / photo Vesuvius ChallengeLibrary Group stated that she started interpreting text columns / photo Vesuvius ChallengeScientists decipher an ancient scroll, one of the hundreds, charred in the way during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. there are.

The artifact stored in the Bodlian Library of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom is the fifth unharmed scroll of Herculaum, which will be virtually deployed as part of Vesuvius Challenge, writes CNN.

This competition is intended to accelerate the decryption of scrolls, which form an unprecedented stock of information about ancient Rome and Greece.

Using artificial intelligence and other computer methods to collect a scroll and improve ink, the Vesuvius Challenge team has successfully generated the first images of the text inside the scroll, known as Pherc. 172. On Wednesday, the library group said it began to interpret the columns of text.

Interestingly, one of the first words to be translated was the ancient Greek Διατροπή, which means “disgust”, which occurs twice in several columns of the text. Richard Oveden, Librarian Bodley, and Helen Hamlin, Director of University Libraries, said:

“This is an incredible moment in history, when librarians, computer science experts and scholars of the classical period work to see the invisible. The impressive successes achieved in the field of visualization and artificial intelligence allow us to look inside the scrolls that have not been read for almost 2000 years.”

What is important is that scrolls will reveal if the researcher tries to unfold them manually, which is likely to destroy all the traces of writing.

Brent Sils, Professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Kentucky, said that of Herculaum’s scales, Oxford, a scroll of all the text that could be restored, and the chemical composition of the ink is more clearly visible in X -ray.

Researchers think ink can contain a denser ingredient, such as lead. Additional tests will be required to determine the exact recipe that made the ink much more legible than other scrolls that were part of Vesuvius Challenge.

“Despite these fascinating results, much more to improve our software methods so we can read all this and other scrolls of Herculaum,” Sils said.

Earlier, Sils said that the key task was to virtually smooth the documents and distinguish black ink from charred papyrus to make the Greek and Latin font readable.

According to him, the methods of machine learning do not decipher the text, but enhance the readiness of the ink, which is used to write fonts. Transcription and translation of text will depend on human scientists, in particular at the University of Oxford.

Researchers continue to refine the image of the scroll, hoping that it will improve the clarity of the visible lines of the text and possibly reach the inner part of the charred by the scroll, where the work name can be preserved.

Archeology newsEarlier, researchers deciphered the 1900-year-old scroll, describing a busy trial during the Roman occupation of Israel. The find reveals more information about criminal cases of the time and answers the ancient question of slavery in the region.

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