September 25, 2024
Russia's war against Ukraine will end not because someone is tired, but because the UN Charter will work - Zelensky thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Russia’s war against Ukraine will end not because someone is tired, but because the UN Charter will work – Zelensky

Russia’s war against Ukraine will end not because someone is tired, but because the UN Charter will work – Zelensky, the President of Ukraine said that the war with Russia will end because of the UN Charter, not because of fatigue. Zelensky emphasized the need to force Russia to make peace as the only aggressor.”, — write on:

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that Russia’s war against Ukraine will end because the UN Charter will come into effect, and Russia must be forced to peace as the only aggressor in this war, the only violator of the UN Charter. Zelenskyy said this during a speech at the UN Security Council, reports the correspondent UNN

One day, in this hall, they will definitely say that Russia’s war against Ukraine is over: not frozen, not suspended, not forgotten – truly finished. And it will not happen because someone is tired of war. Not because someone bargained something with Putin. Russia’s war against Ukraine will end because the UN Charter will come into force. It should work. Our Ukrainian right to self-defense must prevail. Our collaboration with peoples of the world who value life as much as we do. Our territorial integrity. Our sovereignty, the independence of our country. We are protecting what every nation would certainly like to protect for itself. And what the UN Charter guarantees for everyone. And it is Russia that always has to lie to justify its war. Not us. Russia cannot refer to the UN Charter to explain what it is doing against us, against Ukraine, against the people of Ukraine. Actually, in her own perverted way, in her distorted world, she does refer to the Statute, but this is simply madness,

He noted that Russia has remained silent because it could not explain why a Russian missile recently hit a grain ship bound for an Egyptian port across the Black Sea, and Russia is either silent or lying about why its drones and missiles are being detected in the airspace of Poland, Moldova, Romania.

Ukrainians are injured and die every day. Daily. Today again Russian bombs hit residential buildings. Even an ordinary bakery became a target. What is so threatening for Russia in the production of bread? Putin has no answer. And Russia never has an honest answer to the question of why its army kills children in Ukraine, “defeats” schools and hospitals, fights not for justice, but for the blackout of a neighboring nation. Putin has nothing to say if you ask him why he is trying to drag Belarus into war, why his propagandists threaten the peoples of the Caucasus or Central Asia, or why Russia invests most not in the development of humanity, but in hatred. Russia has no legitimate reason – absolutely – to make Iran and North Korea de facto accomplices in their criminal war in Europe when their weapons are killing us, killing Ukrainians and helping Putin steal our land from our people.

Russian attack on Kharkiv: the enemy dropped an aerial bomb on a bread factory, one person was killed and 8 were injuredSeptember 24, 2024, 3:40 pm • 11221 views

The President also added that some people in the world want to talk to Putin.

We know that. Meet, talk, communicate. But what exactly can they hear from him? That he is upset because we are exercising our right to protect our people? Or that he wants to continue the war and terror just so that no one thinks he was wrong? This is also madness. From the first second of this war, Russia is doing something that cannot be justified in any way according to the UN Charter. Every destroyed Ukrainian city, every burned village – and there are already hundreds and hundreds of them – is proof that Russia is committing an international crime. And that is why this war cannot simply “cease”. That is why this war cannot be calmed down with talk. Necessary actions. And I am grateful to all the nations that are really helping in ways that save the lives of our people. Putin has violated so many international norms and rules that he will not stop himself. Russia can only be forced to make peace. And this is exactly what is needed – to force Russia to make peace as the only aggressor in this war, the only violator of the UN Charter,

We will remind

President of Ukraine Zelenskyi said that Russia intends to attack three nuclear power plants in Ukraine. According to Zelenskyi, the authorities have information and evidence of these plans.

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