September 30, 2024
Private enterprises in Ukraine can start installing their own air defense systems thumbnail

Private enterprises in Ukraine can start installing their own air defense systems

In Ukraine, private enterprises may be allowed to install air defense systems (ADF). Pavlo Kishkar, lieutenant colonel and senior officer of the command of the ground forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, stated this on the air of “Apostrophe TV”. Kishkar said that with his participation a draft law was developed, which allows large companies to install air defense equipment at their own expense. According to him, these systems will be integrated into the general system”, — write on:

In Ukraine, private enterprises may be allowed to install air defense systems (ADF).

Pavlo Kishkar, lieutenant colonel and senior officer of the command of the ground forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, stated this on the air of “Apostrophe TV”.

Kishkar said that with his participation a draft law was developed, which allows large companies to install air defense equipment at their own expense. According to him, these systems will be integrated into the general air defense system, which will help reduce the burden on the military budget, but not everyone accepts this idea.

He also noted that currently the state does not provide the possibility of military training in private companies, which, in his opinion, negatively affects the quality of training. According to Kishkar, the military receives most of its professional training in units, and the quality of training could increase if the responsibility for training was partially transferred to private structures.

Kishkar also commented on the training of the Ukrainian military in NATO countries, noting that Ukrainians have the opportunity to undergo general military training at a high level. However, the issue of coordination and management of specific equipment remains under the control of commanders, who must combine experienced fighters with newcomers to achieve the best results.

We previously wrote that on the night of September 29, Russia launched more than two dozen kamikaze drones over Ukraine. Anti-aircraft defense worked in four areas.

We will also remind you that the supply of arms to Ukraine next year is in jeopardy, as some allies have difficulties in obtaining funding, and others refuse to increase funding to help Kyiv.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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