“Prices for greenhouse cucumbers in Ukraine began to fall: what pricesThe cost of greenhouse cucumbers in Ukraine decreased by 11% to 80-120 UAH/kg due to increased supply. Experts forecast a further
drop in prices amid growing supply and low demand.”, — write: unn.ua
At the moment, the price of cucumbers is in the range of 80-120 UAH/kg ($1.93-2.89/kg), which is on average 11% cheaper than at the end of last week.
Another factor affecting the price reduction is the decrease in demand for greenhouse cucumbers. Wholesale companies and supermarket chains have reduced their purchases this week, citing low sales rates in retail.
Now greenhouse plants have to offer cucumbers on average 20% cheaper than at the end of February 2024. At the same time, the majority of key market players do not rule out further price reductions in this segment. They argue their opinion by the fact that supply continues to increase day by day, while sales are low.
As of February 15, prices for greenhouse cucumbers were on the rise. At that time, the products were on sale for 90-130 UAH/kg ($2.15-3.11/kg), depending on quality and volume.