September 30, 2024
Photo: Evaders disguised as military personnel were detained at the border thumbnail

Photo: Evaders disguised as military personnel were detained at the border

Border guards detained two men on the border with Hungary. They tried to illegally cross the border, wearing the camouflage of the Armed Forces. This is reported to the Western Regional Office of the State Border Service of Ukraine. As the agency said, the detention was carried out by border guards of the “Velika Bygan” branch of the Mukachevo detachment. The detainees were residents of Kharkiv and Ternopil regions. The men were dressed in camouflage clothing. According to the idea of ​​the shippers, which everyone”, — write on:

Border guards detained two men on the border with Hungary. They tried to illegally cross the border, wearing the camouflage of the Armed Forces.

This is reported to the Western Regional Office of the State Border Service of Ukraine.

The image may contain: 4 people

As the agency said, the detention was carried out by border guards of the “Velika Bygan” branch of the Mukachevo detachment.

The detainees were residents of Kharkiv and Ternopil regions. The men were dressed in camouflage clothing. According to the plan of the shippers, to whom each of the “tourists” gave 9 thousand dollars, and the clothes of their customers should distract the attention of the border outfits.

“However, 100 meters from the border, the servicemen exposed the sly people. The men were sent to the border unit to draw up protocols on the administrative offenses committed by them,” the report said.

Earlier we wrote that a border guard was detained in Odesa, who promised to deliver a man to the border with Moldova for $4,000. The suspect was informed of the suspicion and a preventive measure was chosen – detention.

We will also remind that three young men who were preparing to cross the state border were detained in the Volyn region near the border with Poland. They took ropes and special tools with them.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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