September 23, 2024
People's deputy Odarchenko, who offered a bribe to Nayem, fled to Romania thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

People’s deputy Odarchenko, who offered a bribe to Nayem, fled to Romania

People’s deputy from the “Servant of the People” faction Andriy Odarchenko, accused of trying to bribe the leadership of the Ministry of Reconstruction, fled to Romania and asked for asylum there. Source: the broadcast of the meeting of the VACS on the prosecution of Odarchenko, the Central Committee of the Prosecutor’s Office Direct speech of the prosecutor during the meeting: “According to the information available in the pre-trial investigation bodies…, Odarchenko crossed the state border outside the border crossing point with Romania and after that he even applied to the Romanian state authorities to receive asylum in this state”.”, — write:

People’s deputy from the “Servant of the People” faction Andriy Odarchenko, accused of trying to bribe the leadership of the Ministry of Reconstruction, fled to Romania and asked for asylum there.

Source: broadcast of the meeting of the Central Committee on the indictment of Odarchenko, Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Direct speech prosecutors during the meeting: “According to the information available in the pre-trial investigation bodies…, Odarchenko crossed the state border outside the border crossing point with Romania and after that he even applied to the state authorities of Romania with an application for asylum in this state.”

Details: The prosecutor reported that on September 19, Odarchenko’s “unofficial” driver said that two days before that date, the people’s deputy asked to drop him off in the central part of the city, gave the driver his mobile phones and asked him to charge them. Odarchenko also said that he himself will get to the Verkhovna Rada and back.

Since that time, the driver had not seen the elected official and did not know how to contact him.

It is reported that the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada did not issue a business trip for Odarchenko to travel abroad.

In connection with the deputy’s escape, the prosecutor of the SAP filed a motion to collect bail. There is also a request to change the preventive measure from bail to custody.


  • On November 21, 2023, SAP and NABU informed about the suspicion of People’s Deputy from the “Servants of the People” faction Andriy Odarchenko, who tried to bribe the head of the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure, Mustafa Nayem.
  • The People’s Deputy wanted funds to be allocated from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression to repair the buildings of the university where Odarchenko held the position of rector (whose contract has been suspended).
  • On September 18, SAP suspected that People’s Deputy from the Servant of the People faction Andriy Odarchenko fled abroad. The SAP initiated the collection of UAH 15 million of the pledge, which the deputy had previously made, from the state income, and the declaration of his wanted status.

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