September 25, 2024
OpenAI CEO: AI will bring incredible prosperity and solve climate problems thumbnail

OpenAI CEO: AI will bring incredible prosperity and solve climate problems

Humanity is on the threshold of an era of incredible prosperity, said OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. The Intelligence Age: — Sam Altman (@sama) September 23, 2024 “Technology took us from the stone age to the agricultural age and then to the industrial age. Now the path to the era of intelligence is paved by computing power, energy resources and human will,” he said. Each person will have a personal AI team of experts in various fields, and children will be able to work […]”, — write:

OpenAI CEO: AI will bring incredible prosperity and solve climate problems - INFBusiness

Humanity is on the threshold of an era of incredible prosperity, said OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

“Technology brought us out of the stone age into an agrarian one, and then into an industrial one. Now the path to the era of intelligence is paved by computing power, energy resources and human will,” he said.

Each person will have a personal AI team of experts in different fields, and children will be able to work with virtual tutors to receive personalized training in any subject in different languages. Humanity will be able to create any desired software and improve the health care system.

“In the next couple of decades, we’ll be able to do things that would have seemed like magic to our grandparents,” Altman noted.

AI models will perform the functions of autonomous personal assistants capable of solving tasks on behalf of the owner.

“Perhaps we will have superintelligence in a few thousand days. It may take more time, but I am sure we will achieve it,” he said.

Thanks to AI, solving climate problems, creating a space colony and fully understanding all physics will eventually become commonplace, according to the CEO of OpenAI.

“With almost limitless intelligence and abundant energy — the ability to generate big ideas and bring them to life — we can do a lot,” Altman emphasized.

Bringing AI to as many people as possible requires reducing the cost of computing and making it redundant. Unless enough infrastructure is built, AI will become a scarce resource over which wars will be fought. It will be a tool for the rich, the head of the AI ​​startup noted.

As a reminder, in September, OpenAI presented a new large language model o1, trained by the method with reinforcement to perform complex reasoning.

Earlier it became known that the company is negotiating to attract $6.5 billion for valuations of $150 billion.

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