September 20, 2024
Olena Zelenska: 75% of parents believe that children face more threats today than they did in childhood thumbnail

Olena Zelenska: 75% of parents believe that children face more threats today than they did in childhood

Almost every fourth child in the world has been directly affected by war. Such results of the study “Protection of childhood: dimensions of security for the younger generation” were presented during the fourth Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen.”, — write:

Almost every fourth child in the world has been directly affected by war. Such results of the study “Protection of childhood: dimensions of security for the younger generation” were presented during the fourth Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen.

As reported by the wife of the President of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, the survey covered 15 countries: Ukraine, USA, Great Britain, Brazil, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Qatar, Serbia and Turkey. From each of them, 300 parents and the same number of children aged 13 to 17 took part. Five aspects were studied: children’s safety during wars, at school and on the Internet, well-being at home and environmental threats.

“These are the main topics to which we devoted this year’s fourth Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen in Kyiv. There are many dimensions to safety, and especially children’s safety, and we specifically researched the main threats that all children in the world face or may face, regardless of the country where they live,” said the First Lady.

Yes, according to the survey:

  • Eight out of 10 children encountered situations at school that negatively affected their safety and well-being.
  • Eight out of 10 children know at least one person who has encountered harmful content on the Internet.
  • Every sixth child worries about their safety at home.
  • Rising prices, poverty and unemployment are among the main problems cited by parents around the world.
  • Children also ranked rising prices as the number one problem for the younger generation. However, when asked to rank the challenges that affect them personally, children prioritized mental health. He is followed by family concerns and environmental problems.

At the same time, in Japan, Serbia, Ukraine and Turkey, war and related dangers dominate among children’s concerns.

Almost every fourth child was directly affected by the war, and 67% were indirectly affected by it. Only 31% of parents and 33% of children directly affected by the war rate their mental state highly.

“The indirect impact of the war is felt in the responses even in those countries where there is no war now. This proves what we in Ukraine often say: the war unleashed by Russia affects the whole world and all children,” the first lady concluded.

Detailed results of the study can be viewed at this link.

The survey was conducted by Catalyse Research together with BRAND UKRAINE with the support of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on behalf of the Summit.

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