September 25, 2024
"Not at any cost": the president of the Czech Republic explained the words about a "realistic" end to the war thumbnail

“Not at any cost”: the president of the Czech Republic explained the words about a “realistic” end to the war

He says he has never questioned that the ultimate goal is the return of all occupied territories.”, — write:

He says he has never questioned that the ultimate goal is the return of all occupied territories.

The Czech Republic supports Ukraine in this war / ScreenshotThe Czech Republic supports Ukraine in this war / ScreenshotCzech President Petr Pavel commented on his recent statement that the occupied territories of Ukraine may remain under Russian control for a long time.

In a new conversation with journalists, he said that this is not the first time he has voiced such an opinion. “I didn’t say anything that I haven’t said for a long time. Even at last year’s Munich conference, I warned against unrealistic expectations,” Ceske noviny quoted the president as saying.

According to him, it will be necessary to evaluate the future Ukrainian plan to end the war and do everything possible to achieve the country’s goals, “but not at any cost.” Pavel believes that hoping for an unequivocal success in the end of the war in a few weeks or months can be very dangerous for everyone.

“I have never doubted that we should support Ukraine in restoring its territorial integrity, that this is the ultimate goal. We just have to be realistic about the time horizon and the cost of achieving this goal. Victory over Russia in Ukraine at the cost of destroying half of the Ukrainian population, probably , is not a victory,” he said.

What the president of the Czech Republic said about the warIn one of the recent interviews, Pavel said that Ukrainians should “face reality” and evaluate the prospects of returning the occupied territories. He believes that after the end of the war, they may remain under Russian control for years.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine issued a statement in which it opposed “half-hearted” and temporary decisions regarding the end of this war.

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