February 5, 2025
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How innovations help rehabilitate the military after injuries.”, – WRITE: epravda.com.ua

The war causes enormous destruction and harm to the country. The aggressor erases cities and kills people. The enemy strikes destroy the infrastructure that requires decades. Almost the only thing that develops during the war is technology. Progress in the development and application of innovative solutions is a necessary component. On the battlefield, the latest developments in the hope of gaining a qualitative advantage are used, and outside it to use or restore resources. If the RBI or “smart” shells of Ukrainians have an idea of ​​the role of technologies in the rehabilitation of military references. In the early XX century, the first prostheses and orthopedic devices made of light materials – aluminum and plastic were created. At the same time, hydrotherapy for soldiers with injuries of the musculoskeletal system became popular. This method allowed to reduce the load on the joints and muscles during recovery. Closer to the Second World War, electrotherapy began to be used on a regular basis. The use of electrical impulses showed results in stimulation of atrophied muscles of the wounded military. In the 1940s, the United States and the United Kingdom combined these methods in specialized rehabilitation centers. An example is Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the United States, where new treatments have been introduced, including psychological support. Advertising: Innovations for warriors are continued to invest in rehabilitation technology. A striking example is the Genium X3 electronic knee module, which the German Otobck has developed from the US Defense Ministry for war veterans in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2014, such a prosthesis cost more than $ 100,000. It was revolutionary for soldiers with high amputations of the lower extremities, as the microprocessor knee supported the person during walking and was protected from moisture. Through responding to physiological changes in real time, rehabilitation teams become personalized. Famous Ukrainian solutions are the coil nozzles from the Combecack Mobility, analyzing the course and generating tips for improving it. Mother of application applications can order food, try on a cabinet in an apartment, drive a car, communicate with AI. They also penetrated into the regulated world of medicine: they offer a list of exercises and gamification for motivation and monitor their performance. Read also: “Upgrade” of the body. How modern technologies help the Ukrainian military to recover the most famous example – Kaia Health with Motion Coach technology. The company that has started with a back pain tool has progressed to the developed use of machine vision with the tips and warning system. Exexlets for rehabilitation in many US rehabilitation centers use exoskelets to help military with impaired movement. Yes, the war veteran in Iraq, Richard Nared, could not walk for ten years, but gradually returned to walking with exoskellet. Some manufacturers also offer simple systems to restore the mobility of the fingers, and complex robotic machines to restore the limb movement. Such technologies also help in peacetime – for the rehabilitation of people who have survived stroke. The immersion technologies of immersive technologies are complete or partial immersion in the virtual world or mixing the real and virtual. The United States began to experiment with VR for the treatment of mental and physical injuries at the end of the XX century. Training with VR or AR allow you to move to the target and motivates to recover faster. These technologies are used in Ukraine. Diego, Pablo and Omego from the Austrian company Tyromotion are used in the National Rehabilitation Centers of Recovery. Built -in real -time program equipment control the patient’s condition and rehabilitation efficiency. Technology allows patients to participate in therapy programs that help to overcome physical and psychological difficulties through the use of virtual environments. Game elements in VR are encouraged to rehab. Technology is a motivating superstructure over classical methods. Both in Recovery and in the Veterans’ Health Service (VA), immersive technologies are also used for pain management, PTSD treatment and reducing anxiety. Worldized systems are similar in use, but without immersion in virtual or mixed reality, the technology of using robotic systems is to restore motor skills. Although this equipment has no state -of -the -art design, but thanks to the technological approach used, it helps to restore natural movements, to improve coordination and muscle strength for patients with neurological injuries. The most famous devices are Lokomat and Inmotion ARM. The first helps to restore people with artificial extremities, the second – natural movements and coordination of hands. Sensory rooms are another innovative solution for the treatment of PTSD, anxiety disorders and cognitive disorders in veterans are the so -called sensory rooms. They can be equipped with light shoes, tactile panels, sound systems, aromatherapy tools, aquatic elements (water mattresses). In the veteran health service of the United States, sensory rooms have been implemented since 2010, in 2013 there were more than 50 of them. Such rooms help to reduce anxiety and improve the emotional state of patients, so they are used not only in veterans but also for the treatment of others Patients. This allows you to bring a person to at least quality life, and at most – to service in the army. Ukraine also took steps in this direction, but we need to take even more to strengthen our qualitative advantage on the battlefield and in medicine. The ingenuity of Ukrainian doctors has created a number of new approaches and techniques in working with patients. Many innovations have already proven efficiency, and foreign experts are trying to take this valuable and multifaceted experience. The technological plan in Ukraine also has significant progress, but mainly through foreign developments. Innovations in the field of rehabilitation improve and accelerate the recovery of patients, reduce the load on doctors. Thus, technologies optimize resources in the most difficult period when the personnel are lacking and the need for highly qualified assistance continues to grow.

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