September 23, 2024
News on September 23: the minister's apartment, Telegram "downpours", expensive state guard cars thumbnail

News on September 23: the minister’s apartment, Telegram “downpours”, expensive state guard cars

What did they talk about today? ”, — write:

About Koval: Vitaly Koval, the new Minister of Agricultural Policy lives in the mother-in-law’s apartment worth 18 million.

About Telegram: Messenger Telegram will provide the authorities authorities IP addresses and phone numbers of those engaged in illegal activities.

About “Ukrenergo”: In “Ukrenergo” offer to increase the electricity transmission tariff for 2025 by 48% – up to UAH 783.71/MW*h.

About the car: Department of State Security of Ukraine September 16 concluded an agreement for the purchase of four specialized cars based on the Toyota Land Cruiser for UAH 3.93 million each. The agency explained that the cars are purchased exclusively for quality assurance of visits to Ukraine by foreign high-ranking officials.

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