September 24, 2024
Most points of the victory plan must be implemented during the war - OP thumbnail

Most points of the victory plan must be implemented during the war – OP

Ukraine’s victory plan, as Serhii Leshchenko, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, said, consists of five main points, four of which must be implemented during the war. An additional clause can be implemented only after the end of the conflict. Leshchenko noted that the plan covers aspects of defense cooperation of intelligence structures, joint economic activities with partners and necessary political decisions. However, he is not”, — write on:

Ukraine’s victory plan, as Serhii Leshchenko, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, said, consists of five main points, four of which must be implemented during the war. An additional clause can be implemented only after the end of the conflict.

Leshchenko noted that the plan covers aspects of defense cooperation of intelligence structures, joint economic activities with partners and necessary political decisions. However, he did not clarify whether the plan includes issues related to strikes on the Russian territory with long-range weapons, the prospects of joining NATO, or the use of frozen Russian assets.

The main goal of this plan is to present the victory of Ukraine as a fact or to force Russia to agree to the end of the war in a way acceptable to Ukraine.

We previously wrote that Ukraine’s allies do not consider Zelenskyi’s Victory Plan to be something that will actually lead to a breakthrough in the war. Some generally believe that it is possible to try to come to an agreement with Putin.

We will also remind you that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi commented on the plan for the victory of Ukraine, which he will present to the President of the United States Joe Biden during his visit to the United States. He explained that it does not refer to negotiations with the Russian Federation.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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