September 20, 2024
More than UAH 263 million has been allocated to the program of affordable loans for the defense industry thumbnail

More than UAH 263 million has been allocated to the program of affordable loans for the defense industry

263.4 million hryvnias have been allocated to the new budget program for the reimbursement of interest on loans for enterprises of the Ukrainian defense and industrial complex (OPK). The corresponding decision was supported by the parliament. This was reported by the Ministry of Strategic Industries (Minstrategprom). It is noted that the interest rate for manufacturers will be 5%. The size of the loan is up to 100 million hryvnias for working capital for up to 3 years, i”, — write on:

263.4 million hryvnias have been allocated to the new budget program for the reimbursement of interest on loans for enterprises of the Ukrainian defense and industrial complex (OPK). The corresponding decision was supported by the parliament.

This was reported by the Ministry of Strategic Industries (Minstrategprom).

It is noted that the interest rate for manufacturers will be 5%. The size of the loan is up to 100 million hryvnias for working capital up to 3 years, and up to 500 million hryvnias for investment projects up to 5 years.

The department explained that the allocation of funding is one of the stages, and the next step will be the government’s adoption of relevant resolutions. Then preferential lending will be available to enterprises determined by the Ministry of Strategy and Industry to be critically important for the functioning of the economy in a special period in the field of defense industry.

We will remind that on September 17, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 12023 on changes to the procedure for military service under contract for foreigners and stateless persons. 278 deputies voted for this decision. The law provides for conducting special checks of foreigners at the Center for Recruiting Citizens of Other Countries.

Also, on the second attempt, the Rada supported draft law No. 11416d in the first reading, which increases taxes by UAH 58 billion this year and by UAH 137 billion next year.

In general, draft law No. 6490d on customs reform was approved. “This is a beacon for the IMF, the World Bank and the USA. And all business associations. And the public. But the most important thing is that it is the best thing that could be done on our part to increase revenues to the Budget,” commented People’s Deputy Yaroslav Zhelezniak.

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