September 20, 2024
Ministry of Environment: liquidation of 20 forest fires continues in Ukraine, the most difficult situation is in two regions thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Ministry of Environment: liquidation of 20 forest fires continues in Ukraine, the most difficult situation is in two regions

The Ministry of Environment urged the population not to burn dry vegetation, because these actions carry great danger and administrative responsibility”, — write:

As of September 17, 20 forest fires are being extinguished in Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

“Over the past 24 hours, more than 50 fires have been extinguished in Ukraine, but 20 more are in a state of liquidation. The most difficult situation is in the Poltava and Kharkiv regions, where forests are burning due to dry weather and shelling,” the agency says.

It is known that “in Poltava Oblast, the total area covered by the fire is about 700 hectares, in Kharkiv Oblast there are two areas with a combined area of ​​about 150 hectares. There are also ongoing fires in Dnipropetrovsk region, Kyiv region, and Donetsk region.”

“A total of 440 fires with an area of ​​400 hectares occurred in Ukraine this year. 60% of all fires – more than 900 on 15.6 thousand hectares – were caused by military actions. The rest is the result of human negligence and deliberate arson. An increase in cases of burning of dry vegetation by citizens in the fields worsens the situation with fires in the territory of Ukraine. Although this practice is illegal, it is still widespread,” the press service said.

The Ministry of Environment also urged the population not to burn dry vegetation, because these actions carry great danger and administrative responsibility.

Earlier, on September 7, the Ministry of Environment reported that extinguishing of fires in the Chernobyl zone continues, the fire has spread over 2,600 hectares. The agency notes that because of the situation in the exclusion zone, control over the radiation situation has been strengthened. Now there is no threat to critical infrastructure facilities in the region, the radiation background is normal.

On the morning of September 7, the Kyiv City State Administration reported on the average level of atmospheric air pollution in the capital, and the radiation background in the entire city is normal.

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