“The lawyer of the leader of “European Solidarity” by Petro Poroshenko Ilya Novikov stated that the Pechersk court had taken into custody with the pledge of UAH 400 million expreient of the head of the State Guard Department Vadim Chuchkovsky, from whom they allegedly demanded to testify against Poroshenko.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Novikov on Facebook, “European Solidarity”
The direct language of Novikov: “The Pechersk Court today at 3 nights took into custody with a pledge of UAH 400 million. Former Deputy Department of State Guard Vadim Chuchkovsky. He was required to testify to Poroshenko: that he was met by his order from Moscow from Moscow from” Money for Elections “in late March 2019.”
Details: According to Novikov, “close to the Media Wash” claim that the investigation has a “shocking video”, but they will not be shown to the end of the investigation. However, according to the lawyer, there was a “review protocol” in the case file, making the content of the video known.
The case appears in the flash drive, which was handed over to the investigator of the DBR by one of the lawyers. According to Poroshenko’s lawyers, the primary source of this flash drive was Victor Medvedchuk’s associate Taras Kozak, who is in the Russian Federation.
According to Novikov, “even if you do not know the source of the video of the video, it is clear from the first frames that it was filmed by the FSB: the shooting was opened in the special zone of Sheremetyevo Airport.”
The direct language of Novikov: “Ten black suitcases were loaded in the business jet without a dawn, they opened in the air and showed that there were packs of 200 euros. Good chosen! ”
Everyone who was in the frame clearly knew that at this time they were shooting a movie “We were carrying a black box across the border for the polls.” People who actually carry criminal cash on the contrary hide and encrypted – it was not true. The camera showed Komsomolsk Truth with the date of March 28, 2019, a monitor screen with a flight route. It was not a special operation with money delivery, it was “documentation”.
Details: According to “European Solidarity”, during a briefing, Novikov stated that “it is certainly one of those cases where the authorities and personally plan to isolate and exclude Petro Poroshenko from the political activity of Petro Poroshenko.”
“European Solidarity” notes that the fake history in a similar scenario against Poroshenko was already distributed by Russian propaganda media in 2017, during the cadence of the fifth president. 8 years ago, Russian resources published “Video Investigation” that Poroshenko allegedly exported money abroad. The “Witness” was then Yanukovych, a well -known regional, co -author of the law on dictatorship on January 16, Vladimir Oliynyk, who fled to Moscow after 2014. Then they also talked about the presidential security officer who allegedly “drove cash suitcases”.