“The founder of the Ukrainian cryptocurrency exchange of KUNA Mikhail Chobanyan decided to curtail the company in all countries. He announced this in his Telegram channel. “I made the decision that I terminate any commercial activity,” the businessman said. Users will be able to bring their balances within two months of transition. “Customer’s sterile data will continue to exist in several projects but that […]”, – WRITE: Businessua.com.ua
The founder of the Ukrainian cryptocurrency exchange of KUNA Mikhail Chobanyan decided to curtail the company in all countries. He announced this in his Telegram channels.
“I made the decision that I terminate any commercial activity,” the businessman said.
Users will be able to bring their balances within two months of transition.
“Customer’s sterile data will continue to exist in several projects, but it will be a different story with other players,” Chobanyan added.
Earlier it became known that the State Secretariat of Ukraine blocked the domain of the exchange on the basis of the decision of the Shevchenkivsky Court of Kyiv at the request of the Bureau of Economic Security (Bab).
According to Chobanyan, the essence of claims is to accuse taxes.
“What taxes, what – I don’t know, but we will definitely find out. I wonder what formula and from what specific activities they were deducted a shortage, ”the founder of the exchange said.
After closing Kuna Chobanian intends to concentrate on symbiocracy – models of world order, built on human symbiosis, AI and noosphere.
The bill on regulation and taxation of virtual assets in Ukraine has not yet been adopted. Its updated version is still prepared for consideration in the first quarter of 2025.
We will remind, since the beginning of 2023 Baba conducts a pre-trial investigation into bitcoin papers, whose owners and founders are residents of Ukraine. The reason for the audit was the discrepancy between the circulation of cryptoactives on the wallets of trading platforms and the declared income of their founders.
The gun