September 20, 2024
In Ukraine, the demand for apartments in the primary market collapsed due to shelling: what will happen to prices thumbnail

In Ukraine, the demand for apartments in the primary market collapsed due to shelling: what will happen to prices

This fall, a significant increase in demand is unlikely on the primary housing market.”, — write:

The expert believes that in the near future, about two-thirds of buyers will focus on high-quality residential complexes / photo UnsplashThe expert believes that in the near future about two-thirds of buyers will focus on high-quality residential complexes / photo UnsplashDue to the July and August rocket attacks, which caused power outages, demand in the primary housing market in August decreased by an average of 40-50% compared to July. Marianna Bigunets, sales director of the construction company GAZDA, told UNIAN about this.

At the same time, according to her, the transition from emergency to stabilization blackouts, which is observed with the onset of autumn, and the gradual habituation of citizens to power supply restrictions, is gradually reviving activity on the primary market.

“Energy supply interruptions have a negative effect on the mood of citizens for some time: potential buyers are too sensitive to changes, to discomfort, so they are forced to postpone the purchase of housing for a certain time. However, in mid-September, the level of existing demand has significantly recovered and is already up to 80-85 % from the indicators of the first two summer months with a projection to further equalization,” Bihunets said.

She believes that in the near future, about two-thirds of buyers will concentrate on high-quality residential complexes with a high degree of readiness, which are being built in safer and protected mainly western regions of the country, in particular in Zakarpattia, Lviv region, Bukovyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Volyn, as well as in Kyiv. and the Kyiv region.

According to the expert, it is unlikely that a significant increase in demand will be possible in the primary housing market this fall. After all, the economic situation in the country is quite tense: the inflationary peak is predicted for the fall, which is associated with the increase in electricity tariffs and changes in excise taxes on fuel. And power supply interruptions significantly slow down business, including the construction business – first of all, the cost of construction increases and the risks for buyers increase.

In autumn, according to economic forecasts, consumer prices may rise by at least 10-15%. However, as Bigunets emphasized, such growth will be almost the smallest in the primary market: up to 3-5% and only for objects with a readiness of 60% or more, located in the safest regions.

“Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the market, the buyer dominates: his attention can be attracted by the high quality of the project, the location (region), the pace of construction of the house, as well as the flexible pricing policy. That is, the most responsible developers who care about the quality of the projects and their own reputation are unlikely to rewrite price tags, without having this reflected in the number of buyers,” the specialist emphasized.

The situation on the real estate market – the latest news In June, experts noted that due to low demand on the real estate market – both primary and secondary – the price increase of square meters is not predicted until the end of summer. Real estate expert Yuriy Pita put forward the opinion that an exception can be made only in the safer western regions of the country, which are traditionally in greater demand in times of war.

According to the first deputy head of the board of “Globus Bank” Olena Dmitrieva, Ukrainians are actively issuing mortgage loans under the “eOsel” program, and over the past few months the number of issued mortgages for housing under construction has increased significantly: at the beginning of the year, a share of the total number of issued loans of the primary market did not exceed 2.6%, and by mid-August it was more than 8.1%.

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