September 20, 2024
In September, over 2,000 families received funds for housing restoration certificates, - Shmyhal thumbnail

In September, over 2,000 families received funds for housing restoration certificates, – Shmyhal

In September, more than 2,200 families received funds for housing restoration certificates. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in Telegram. “We discussed joint bilateral projects with the head of the Development Bank of the Council of Europe, Carlo Monticelli. He thanked for the signing of the first agreements under the HOME and Heal Ukraine projects in the amount of EUR 200 million during the Recovery Conference in Berlin.”, — write on:

In September, more than 2,200 families received funds for housing restoration certificates.

This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in Telegram.

“We discussed joint bilateral projects with the head of the Development Bank of the Council of Europe, Carlo Monticelli. He thanked for the signing of the first agreements under the HOME and Heal Ukraine projects in the amount of EUR 200 million during the Recovery Conference in Berlin. These funds will be used to provide housing for people left homeless as a result of Russian aggression, as well as to restore the medical system,” Shmyhal wrote.

There are already the first results, the Prime Minister noted. In September, more than 2,200 families received funds for housing restoration certificates.

He added that demining, restoration of energy and critical infrastructure remains a priority for the government. The Cabinet of Ministers seeks to expand cooperation with the Development Bank to communities and support of small and medium-sized businesses.

“Thanked for the intention to open an office in Kyiv. This shows the desire to develop long-term cooperation and implement new projects in Ukraine. I believe that this visit by Mr. Monticelli will be a successful step on this path,” concluded the Prime Minister.

From now on, it is possible to buy a new home for housing certificates “eRecovery” in communities from the category of “territories of possible hostilities”, reported the head of the Verkhovna Rada committee on the organization of state power, local self-government, regional development and urban planning, head of the “Servant of the People” party, Olena Shulyak.

And the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the Development Bank of the Council of Europe (CDEB) signed an agreement on providing Ukraine with a loan of 100 million euros. The funds are provided within the framework of the project “NOME. Compensation for destroyed housing”.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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