““I don’t need my experience at this time.” It is enough to perceive the military as a one-time glass-a conversation with the Hero of Ukraine Ponomarenko on March 14, 00:38 NV Premium to share: Hero of Ukraine Sergey Ponomarenko (photo: Sergey Ponomarenko / Facebook) Radio NV – about military training and transmitting experience”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Hero of Ukraine Sergey Ponomarenko (photo: Sergey Ponomarenko / Facebook)
Deputy Commander of the 9th Battalion of the 3rd Separate Tank Iron Brigade, Hero of Ukraine Sergey Ponomarenko in an interview with Radio NV-about training in the military and passing experience with veterans.
– to the Ukrainian army, which is not like Russian, but more like a modern army, one has to attach “Botans, ”that they clearly understand that no one will send them in assault attacks. I’m not wrong?
– Yes.
– They generally need to sit somewhere in very protected, concrete bunkers, but gaming clubs, in essence. Because it is a generation that has already grown with joystics, with a remote control. They know what to do with them.
– And without technology the newest do not imagine their lives.
– Perhaps learning should be started much earlier, from school? And now, when programs for the protection of the Motherland, starting with the upper classes of the school, then – higher education institutions, this is what you need to focus. That is, to focus on technologies, not the digging of trenches, for example. I understand that it may need it. But in every case there are priorities. What do you think?
– Of course, we will not depart from digging trenches, the arrangement of defensive positions, because we have not yet come up with the best. And better than the trench and the earth, does not protect the warrior and the soldier.