“The results of all Grigory Drozda duels since 2014 will be canceled”, – WRITE: Sport.ua
This was reported by the International Doping Test Agency (ITA). The former World Heavyweight Champion, which was owned by the WBC title, failed the doping test in September 2014, but continued to enter the ring.
From September 9 last year, Drozda was removed from boxing on the basis of data from the base of the Moscow Anti -Doping Laboratory. The day before it became known that it was disqualified by September 8, 2028. The results of all matches, since September 2014, will be declared invalid.
During his professional career, the doping lover won 40 victories (28 – knockout) and was defeated. In 2015, he defeated Pole Lukash Yanika (TKO 9), and then hung gloves on the nail.
Drozd decided to support the “successes” of Russian boxing – earlier disqualification received Alexander Povetkin.