September 29, 2024
First the EU, then NATO: the Finnish president assessed Ukraine's chances of integration with Europe thumbnail

First the EU, then NATO: the Finnish president assessed Ukraine’s chances of integration with Europe

Joining NATO will be the last stage of Ukraine’s unification with the European community, the Finnish president is confident.”, — write:

Joining NATO will be the last stage of Ukraine’s unification with the European community, the Finnish president is confident.

Oleksandr Stubb believes that Ukraine's membership in NATO is possible in the distant future / frame from the videoOleksandr Stubb believes that Ukraine’s membership in NATO is possible in the distant future / frame from the videoUkraine will certainly become a member of NATO, but it will happen in the more distant future and after joining the EU. This opinion was expressed by the President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, at the Helsinki Security Forum.

In his opinion, it is not realistic to talk about Ukraine joining NATO in the short term, but it is possible in the more distant future.

“I think the sequence will be: EU membership first, then NATO membership second. Of course, sometimes it’s a long way from one to the other or to both. But I think we should consider the sequence: security agreements , bilateral security guarantees, then after that we need to get [для України] EU membership and then NATO membership,” Stubb said.

He emphasized that Finland supports the idea of ​​Ukraine joining NATO, but with the consent of all members of the alliance. The Finnish president also noted that NATO cannot accept into its ranks a country that is in a state of war just now.

The war in Ukraine: the position of FinlandAs UNIAN wrote, Finland takes a resolutely pro-Ukrainian position and supports Ukraine with weapons and humanitarian aid. At the beginning of the year, the country elected a new president – Alexander Stubb, who is also very anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian in his rhetoric.

Earlier this week, Stubb spoke at the United Nations, where he called for the reform of this organization, as well as the expulsion of Russia from the Security Council.

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