October 16, 2024
Every 10th foreign investor fled from Moscow after the introduction of sanctions - the number is growing thumbnail

Every 10th foreign investor fled from Moscow after the introduction of sanctions – the number is growing

Investors from “friendly” countries began actively selling Russian stocks after the USA introduced sanctions against the Moscow Stock Exchange.”, — write: www.epravda.com.ua

Investors from “friendly” countries began actively selling Russian stocks after the USA introduced sanctions against the Moscow Stock Exchange.

About this informs The Moscow Times with reference to data from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of the second quarter of the current year, assets in the accounts of non-residents with Russian brokers decreased by 9.6%, or by almost 189 billion rubles. – Up to 1.77 trillion rubles.

A sharp drop in assets is on the accounts of clients of brokers from international offshore zones (Virgin Islands, Panama and Belize), as well as countries of the near abroad. Thus, assets of clients from Azerbaijan fell by 65% ​​(to 0.5 billion rubles), Uzbekistan – by 30% (to 59.7 billion rubles), and Kazakhstan – by 20% (to 185.8 billion rubles).

The last time foreign investors reduced investments in Russian assets was in the third quarter of 2022. Then they fell to 0.5 trillion rubles against the background of Western sanctions and turbulence on the stock market.

However, investments continued to grow. According to the results of the six quarters ending on March 31, 2024, the Mosbirzhi index rose by 70% to 3,333 points. In the second quarter, a correction began, as a result of which the index decreased by 5.5%, to 3154 points.

The flight of foreign clients of brokers will be fully reflected in the data for the third quarter, as the US Treasury has extended the necessary licenses to work with Moss Exchange until October 12.

Read also: Moscow does not believe in bargaining. What will change the sanctions against the largest exchange of the Russian Federation

We will remind:

Moscow Stock Exchange in the near future will work from the shareholders of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE).

Shares of the Moscow Stock Exchange on June 13 opened up a decrease to 15% against the background of the introduction of US sanctions.

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