September 23, 2024
European steel producers are asking Brussels to deal with the flow of exports from China thumbnail

European steel producers are asking Brussels to deal with the flow of exports from China

European steel producers have appealed to trade officials to address the sharp rise in Chinese steel exports.”, — write:

European steel producers have appealed to trade officials to address the sharp rise in Chinese steel exports.

About this informs Financial Times.

European steel prices are falling below the cost of production as the world market is glutted.

Steelmakers say a new, comprehensive tariff system is needed to address the market-distorting effects of global overcapacity and protect domestic producers suffering from weak demand and high energy prices.

China, the world’s largest steel producer, is expected to export more than 100 million tonnes of the metal this year – more than at any time since 2016. Such growth has already led to increased trade tensions and prompted several countries to introduce tariffs on imports.

Direct Chinese exports to Europe are small after the introduction of safeguard measures on certain types of steel products in 2018, but the industry says it is suffering from the negative effects of rising imports from other countries.

We will remind:

Tariffs on the import of electric vehicles from China to Canada installed at the level of 100%, for steel and aluminum – 25%.

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