September 24, 2024
Duda criticized his minister for threatening to block Ukraine's accession to the EU thumbnail

Duda criticized his minister for threatening to block Ukraine’s accession to the EU

The president noted that he does not want to create points of tension between Warsaw and Kyiv.”, — write:

The president noted that he does not want to create points of tension between Warsaw and Kyiv.

Duda opposes plans to block Ukraine's accession to the EU due to the Volyn tragedy / photo Viktor Kovalchuk, UNIANDuda opposes plans to block Ukraine’s accession to the EU due to the Volyn tragedy / photo Viktor Kovalchuk, UNIANPolish President Andrzej Duda reacted to the words of Defense Minister Kosyniak-Kamis, who said that “if the Volyn issue is not resolved between Warsaw and Kyiv, then Ukraine has no place in the EU.”

“If someone says that they will block Ukraine’s access to the EU, then they fit into Putin’s policy. But I don’t know if this is the intention of those currently in power,” Duda said in an interview with Polsat News.

He noted that he would like to know what exactly ministers or prime ministers mean when they make such statements, adding:

“These are difficult issues, in particular those that Ukrainians themselves have been silent about for years, and which must be taken into account.”

The President noted that he does not want to create points of tension between Warsaw and Kyiv.

“I tried to act so as not to create points of tension between Warsaw and Kyiv (…). It was not easy, because there are difficult issues between us. But I also talked about these issues with President Zelensky, and the best example of this was the presence the president in Lutsk on the anniversary of the Volyn tragedy. Finding an agreement with us on all difficult issues, including historical ones, is also in the interests of Ukraine. Please remember that Ukrainians have many problems from the time of the Second World War,” the president said.

Statements of Kosinyak-KamishUkraine will not become a member of the European Union unless the “Volyn issue” is resolved. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Poland Władysław Kosyniak-Kamysh. According to him, Warsaw supports Kyiv “as much as possible”, although in relations between the countries “not everything is perfect due to unresolved historical issues”.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland in 2018-2020 Jacek Czaputowych sharply criticized the current government’s policy towards Ukraine, calling it “hyena policy”.

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