“Doctor or Doctor: How to speak Ukrainian and why it is important on March 6, 07:30 to share: Doctor or Doctor: How to speak Ukrainian and why it is important (photo: Malvenok99/Depositphotos) Ukrainian is a Ukrainian language rich in synonyms, but not all of them are interchangeable. The question often arises: how to speak right – a doctor or a doctor? Is there a difference between these words? Let’s understand this linguistic nuance. Read also: Snowdrop or Snowdrop: How is it right”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Doctor or Doctor: How to speak Ukrainian and why is it important (photo: Malvenook99/Depositphotos)
The Ukrainian language is rich in synonyms, but not all of them are interchangeable. The question often arises: how to speak right – a doctor or a doctor? Is there a difference between these words? Let’s understand this linguistic nuance.
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Doctor and Doctor: What is the difference
Although, in everyday speech, the words of the doctor and the doctor are often used as synonyms, they have different meaning. According to the norms of the Ukrainian language:
- Doctor – It is a specialist in the field of medicine, who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. This is a person who has graduated from a medical higher education institution and has a proper qualification.
- Doctor – This is a scientific degree. For example, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Philology, etc. This title is assigned to persons who defended their dissertation and made a significant contribution to science.
Therefore, every doctor can be a doctor if he has a degree, but not every doctor is a doctor.
“Today let’s talk about the people who treat us. How to call them right – doctors or doctors? Of course, doctors. The doctor is a scientific degree. For example, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences or Doctor of Medical Sciences, ”comments Alexander Avramenko.
Why confuse these concepts
The confusion between the words Dr. and the doctor are explained by the influence of other languages, including English and Russian. In English -speaking countries the word doctor (Doctor) is generally accepted to refer to healthcare professionals. In Russian, the doctor is also often used as a synonym for the Guard. In the Ukrainian language, the right term is a doctor.
Are there exceptions
In some official documents or works of art, you can find the use of the word doctors, but it is an outdated option or stylistic technique.
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