“Hackathon for Consensus Hong Kong Brought Out Some of the most innovative of the Early Stage Projects that Could Drive the Web3 World Forward.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
Consensus Hong’s Hackathon-Organized by Consensus and Easya, The Start-Up for Developers-Did Just That and Brough in HundDS Level.
Easya’s Founders Dominic and Phil Kwok Set Out to Create A Competition That Not Only ShowCases Bright Ideas Buta ALSO ENSURS THAT The WINNERS ACTUALLY STIK AUND. The Participants Focus on One Piece of Tech WHERE they plans to launch their technology, as opposed to different chains.
Read More: Easya Wants to Attract More than Just ‘Bounty Hunters’ To Its Hackathons
The Two-Day Events Saw Some of the World’s Best Developers Compete for A CHANCE TO WIN Over $ 200,000 and Showcase Their Projects to Influential VCS and Investors.
The Participants Built Their Projects Within Different Tracks, Including Aptos, Ripple, Polkadot and Origintrail. Some of the Winners Included AI-Powered Portfolio Managers on Dex, Gaming on the Blockchain, Payments Solutions, Social Media Platforms and Nft Platforms.
Aptos Track Winners1st Place: Profitx – Profitx is an intelligent, ai-povered portfolio manager and trading assistant integrated with Merkle Trade, a decentralized perpetual dex Built on the Aptos Blockchain.
2nd Place: Healthdb -Offers A Local-FIRST, APTOS-BASED AI AGENT THAT HELPS USERS BETTER MANAGE AND INRICH Their Health Data Via A Weigted Monte Carlo Tree Search.
3rd Place: Grand Theft Aptos -Grand Theft Aptos Is An Open-World Game that Combines ai-Driven NPCS and Blockchain Technology to Offer A Dynamic, Immersive GamePlay Experience.
4th Place (Tie): AI.Apt -AI.Apt is a Powerful Quant Trading Agent Moniters Prices, Sentiment/News, and On-Chain Data AROUND The CLOCK, Executing and Adjusting Strategies in Real-Time to Maximize Pro.
4th place (tie): MIXTURE OF MULTICHain Experts (MOME) – MOME IS AN LLM AND RETRIEVAL-AUGMETED GENERATION (RAG) -Basted platform that automatical parses, verifies, and explays blockchain transactions accounts Multiple Networks-aptos, Ripple, Polkadot, and Origintrail.
Ripple Track Winners1st Place (Tie): Xeno – Offers A Tap-To-Pay Rlusd (Ripple USD) Solution to Support Global Consumers and Businesses to Eliminate 1-3% Card Fees With Xrp Ledger’s Low-Cost Transactions and NFCC.
1st Place (Tie): Frameus – Frameus Creates A Solution That Gives The Fans a Platform To Donate to the Charities of Their Idols.
2nd Place (Tie): Modern Portfolio Theory (Mpt) – Guides Defi Investors in Balancing Risk and Reward by Helping Maximize Returns for a Special Risk Level or Minimize Risk for a Target Return By Diversifying Investements. By Combining Assets with Different Risks and Correlations, MPT AIMS to Reduce Overall Portfolio Risk and Achiev Optimal Performance.
2nd Place (Tie): PlayCheck – Offers A Secure in-Person Betting Platform to Help Players Make Fair, Real-Time Wagers with AI-Driven Verification and XRP Ledger For Secure Fund Management.
3rd Place: QR Rlusd – Offers A QR Code-Based Payment Solution to Help Merchants and Customers Execute Cross-Border Transactions Instantly with Rlusd Stablecoin and Pyth Oracle Real-Time FX Rates.
Mozaicnft Track Winners1st Place: Mozaicdot – The Project Intests with Polkadot’s Assethub to Enable ComprehenSive Nft Functionality. The platform facilitates the Creation, Deployment, Viewing, Buying, and Selling of NFTS with the Polkadot EcoSystem. By leveraging Assethub’s Infrastructure, USers Can Seamless Manage Their Digital Assets While Benefiting from Polkadot’s Security and Interoperability Features.
2nd Place (Tie): Nemwork – Develops A Blockchain-Based AI Pet Platform to Help Crypto Enthusiasts Manage Assets and Connect Socially with Unique Nft Pets Powered by Polkadot and Aptos.
2nd Place (Tie): Frameus – The Same Project That Was The Winner in the Ripple Track.
CRUST Network Track Winners1st Place: MIXTURE OF MULTICHain Experts (MOME) – The Same Project That Was Tied For The Fourth Place in the Aptos Track.
Origintrail Track Winners1st Place: Pix x Origintrail Telegram Bot -Tech-Noir i-Ching Divinations Integrated with the Origin Trail Knowledge Will Allow USers to Find Interesting Patterns Across Different Divinations. How/Who/Does the i-Ching Really Work? In the Future, It Will Also Enable Incentivized User-Generated Content by Tracking and Tracking Authors of Highly Engaging Divination Questions and Interpretations.
2nd Place MIXTURE OF MULTICHain Expert (Mome) – The Same Project That Won the Crist Network Track and Tied for Fourth Place in the Aptos Track.
3rd Place Profet.fun – A Platform for USERS TO MAKE PROPHESS AND STAKE their OWN MONEY IN NATUral Language.
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