“Cabinet of Ministers has introduced new rules for state reserves and procurement: what is involvedThe Government has approved a new procedure for the formation of state reserves and an algorithm for conducting procurement
audits.”, — write: unn.ua
Shmyhal reminded that last fall, the State Reserve Agency was liquidated and the State Agency for the Management of Reserves of Ukraine was established.
“Today, we are taking the next step – approving the Procedure for the Formation of State Reserves and the Movement of Material Assets, as well as the Procedure for the Selection of Responsible Custodians and Reserves,” he said.
According to the Prime Minister, this will strengthen the control and responsibility of all those involved in the process.
“Today we are also strengthening the efficiency of procurement. We are improving the algorithm for conducting procurement audits by the State Audit Service,” Shmyhal added.
On September 26, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers liquidated the State Reserve Agency and established the State Agency for Reserve Management of Ukraine.