September 25, 2024
Borrell: Surrender of Ukraine is not the fastest way to end the war thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Borrell: Surrender of Ukraine is not the fastest way to end the war

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that the capitulation of Ukraine and turning it into a second Belarus is not the fastest way to end the war. Source: “European Truth” with reference to Borrell’s statement after the conclusion of the UN Security Council Direct speech of the head of European diplomacy: “I heard here certain lovers of peace for whom war seems too expensive.”, — write:

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that the capitulation of Ukraine and turning it into a second Belarus is not the fastest way to end the war.

Source: “European Truth” with reference to Borrell’s statement after the conclusion of the UN Security Council

Direct speech of the head of European diplomacy: “I have heard certain peace-lovers here, for whom war seems too expensive. We too love peace, the EU loves peace, and the Ukrainians who pay the highest price love it the most. The fastest possible way to achieve peace is when Russia withdraws its troops and the war ends “.

Details: He added that the mentioned peace lovers did not talk about this fastest way, because they believe that the fastest way to end the war is the surrender of Ukraine.

“And yes, without our support, Ukraine will be forced to capitulate. We do not want such an end to the war. We do not want the capitulation of Ukraine, the loss of its national identity, freedom, territory and its transformation into a second Belarus,” Borrell said.

He emphasized that peace is not submission, capitulation and occupation, therefore a lasting peace is needed.

He added that military support for Ukraine does not exclude the search for peaceful solutions, but at the same time he emphasized that the stronger Ukraine is militarily, the stronger its negotiating position will be.


  • Earlier in an interview with The New York Times, the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, repeated that Ukraine should come to terms with the possible “temporary” stay of some of its territories under the control of Russia after the end of the war.
  • After that, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine published a statement rejecting the possibility of temporarily leaving part of the Ukrainian territory under occupation and similar “half-hearted decisions”.
  • In response, Pavel stated that the hope that the war will end with an unequivocal success of Ukraine in a few weeks or months can be very dangerous for everyone. Therefore, he added, this issue should be considered in the light of what is realistically possible.

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