“Predators and avalanches remain the main danger in the Ukrainian highlands. About it reports the State Tax Service of Ukraine in Ukraine on its telegram-channel. “Photo pumps on one of the border areas during the night recorded several predators, moving the forest in search of prey – fox, lynx and wolf. We warn: because of the large number of predatory beasts of the border in the highlands are dangerous, ” – said in”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Predators and avalanches remain the main danger in the Ukrainian highlands.
About it reports the State Tax Service of Ukraine in Ukraine on its telegram-channel.
“Photo pumps on one of the border areas during the night recorded several predators, moving the forest in search of prey – fox, lynx and wolf. We warn that because of a large number of predatory animals, border walks in the highlands are dangerous, ”the reported.
Another source of risk during spring warming is avalanches.
We will remind that on January 7 this year in the Carpathians, from the eastern slope of Mount Bruzkul, an avalanche of 1280 cubic meters came down. m. There were no casualties and losses.