September 25, 2024
Autotransplantation has become commonplace: at the Center for Surgery and Transplantology named after Shalimov was told about the changes in work brought about by the war thumbnail

Autotransplantation has become commonplace: at the Center for Surgery and Transplantology named after Shalimov was told about the changes in work brought about by the war

Autotransplantation has become commonplace: at the Center for Surgery and Transplantology named after Shalimov told about the changes in work brought about by the war at the Surgery Center named after Shalimov was told about changes in work due to the war. The Department of Microsurgery has been reorganized for the treatment of military personnel, and complex autotransplantation operations are being performed.”, — write on:

Ukrainian medics both on the front lines and in the rear work miracles, saving our defenders and helping them return to a full life. About how the work of doctors changed with the advent of a full-scale war, using the example of the National Center of Surgery and Transplantology named after Shalimova in Kyiv, it is told in the story of Details, he transmits UNN.

As told by the general director of the National Scientific Center of Surgery and Transplantology named after Shalimova Oleksandr Usenkoone of the branches of the Center was specially transformed to meet the needs of the military and civilians who suffered as a result of hostilities.

Before the war, it was a department of microsurgery, but since the beginning of full-scale aggression, it was reorganized into a department of microsurgery and the consequences of military trauma. Now this is one of the main departments, which is focused on the recovery of military personnel who were injured during a full-scale aggression

During the war, Ukrainian surgery gained considerable experience in the field of military medicine. There is no such thing in any country in the world, doctors emphasize.

“How the wounded are treated, how patients with polytrauma are treated – all this will be sanctified in scientific works. The Academy of Sciences published more than 10 books on surgical pathology during the war,” added the head of the National Center for Surgery and Transplantology.

Autotransplantation operations are often performed at the Center, when doctors have to patch the patient’s unhealed wounds with his own skin. Such autotransplantations have already become commonplace. Doctors also know how to transplant bone fragments in place of lost ones. This is how patients’ limbs are saved.

See more in the story.

Director of the Institute of Transplantology named after Shalimov: modern war is polytrauma September 2, 2024, 15:28 • 16197 views

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