March 14, 2025
'Are we good?' Review: In Introspective Doc, Marc Maron Navigates the Painful Realities of Grief thumbnail

‘Are we good?’ Review: In Introspective Doc, Marc Maron Navigates the Painful Realities of Grief

Toward the End of His 2023 HBO Comedy Special Special Froma Bleak to Dark, Marc Maron Tells the Audence A High-Wire Joke Heke Been Working on Since His Partner, The Direor Lynn. Disease. IT STARTS WITH MARON ON THE WAY TO The Hospital to Say Goodbye to Shelton”, – WRITE:

Toward the end of his 2023 HBO Comedy Special From Bleak to DarkMarc Maron Tells The Audence A High-Wire Joke Heke Been Working on Since His Partner, The Director Lynn Schelton, Died in 2020 from A rare Blood Disease.

IT Starts with Maron on the Way to the Hospital to Say Goodbye to Shelton After A Doctor Arrangs for the Comedian to See Her Body. WHEN MARON GETS THERE, HEESSH HIS SAYING GOODBYE. As he’s waling out of the icu, he STOPS to consider a though: “Selfie?” HE Asks HimSelf. “No,” he Finally Decides. MOST OF THE AUDIENCE LAUGHS IMMEDIATELY, BUT A FEW GASP BEFORE SUCCUMBING TO THEIR CHUCKLES. I The Kind of Blunt and Slightly Scandalous Humor Maron Has Built His Career On, But It’s Also Textured with Something Rare for The Comedian: A Tender Emotional Awareness.

Are we good? The Bottom Line A scrappy portrait of GRIEF.

Venue: SXSW FILM Festival (Documentary Spotlight)
Director: Steven Feinartz
1 hour 35 minutes

There are scenes of maron workping this joke in Are we good?a new documentary about the comEDIAN that premiered at sxsw. The Film, Directed by Steven Feinartz, Chronicles the Years in Maron’s Life Succeeding Shelton’s Death. It Follows the Comedian As He Returns to Stand-Up and Uses His Craft To Navigate this Painful Experience. Unlike Most Recent Celebrity Docs, Are we goodWHICH IS STILL SEEKING DISTRIBUTION, IS A LITTLE more than A HAGIOHRAPHIC TRIBUTE. It’s An Introspective Portrait of How Grief Forces Maron, Who Spent A Career Metabolizing His Feelings Into Cantankeros Jokes, To Finally Confront His Emotion.

While Anyone Navigating Loss Can Identify with Parts of the Comedian’s Journy, Are we good? Seems Best Suited for Those Familiar with Maron. The Film Complements the HBO SPECIAL, OFFERING A KIND OF BEHIND-The-SCENES LOOK AT THE EFFORTS THAT BROUGHT MARON IN FRONT OF THAT AUDIENCE AT NEW YORK CITY’S HALL.

Feinartz, Who ALSO DIRECTED From Bleak to Darktakes an unfussy Approach to Shaping Are we good? He USE HOME VIDEOS, RECENT FOOTAGE OF MARON LIVING HIS LIFE OR TESTING NEW ROUTINES, As Well As Interviews with Friends and Colleagues Like John Mulaney and Michalas. The Director Occasionally Indulges in Some Aesthetic Flourishes – Animation by Michael Lloyd, for Example – But He MOSTLY STICKS TO A SPARE Style. This Approach Gives The Doc a scrappiness that not only reflects maron’s disposition, but also captures GRIEF’s Wayward Turns.

The doc opens with a brief overview of Shelton’s Relationship to Maron and Her Unexpectioned Death. Feinartz Relies on the Comedian’s Own Telling of the Romance, But He Also Pulls in Clips from Maron’s Show. They Encounted Each Other in the 2010s and Maron Invited the Director Onto His Show, Wtf with marc maronin 2015. Excerpts from that Episode CAPTURE the BEGINNINGS OF THEIR FRIENDSIP. Shelton Was Married at the Time and Maron Was in Another Relationship, But The Two Artists Stayed in Touch. Shelton Directed A Couple of Maron’s Specials As Well As Episodes of Glow. She Even Cast Maron in Her 2019 Comedy Sword of TrustWHICH Premiered at Sundance. WHEN they FINALLY GOT TOGETCHER, THEIR RELATIONSHIP SEMED As Much An Intellectual Match as A Romantic One.

“I WAS BETTER IN LYNN SHELTON’S GAZE,” MARON SAYS AT One Point in Are we good? HER DEOTH BROKE HIS HEART AND UPENDED HIS World. Not Only Did the Comedian Lose His Best Friends, But He Also Couldn’t Grieve Her With His Community. Shelton Passed Durying the Early Days of the Covid Lockdown. MARON FREQUENTLY JOKES About Feeling Like An Exhibration WHEN HIS NEIGHBORS, Making An Effort He Apprecated, Tried To Comfort Him From Six Feet Weay.

I No Wonder Maron Made USE of Instagram Live. The Comic Started USING OF THE APPS FEATURE WHILE SHELTON WAS ALIVE (YOU CAN Hear and See Her in the Background of Some Videos), But Her Death His Approach. The LIVESTREAMS, MANY OF WHICH Feinartz Includes in the DOC, Became a Way for Maron to Connect with Other and Process His Feelings.

In Fact, Maron Used Almost Everything in His Life To Confront This Loss. The Instagram Videos, His Stand-Up Routines on Got Back On Stage, His Podcast and Even His Relationship with his Cats All Became Avenues ThoUGHHHHHHH. The Experience, Thought A Universal One, Felt Singular and Overwhelming, and Maron Needed to Talk About It. At first Conversations and Jokes Were a Bit Stilted – Awkward Even – But He Eventual Got More Comfortable, LOOSENING UP AND LETING The EMOTIES WASH Over Him Like A Wave.

Are we good? traces the evolution of maron as a person and artist trying to make Space for Loss in his life. The Process Unearths Other Repressed Emotions, Especialy About His Early Years. Feinartz Uses Mron’s Biography – The Emotionally Absent Facher, The Youthful Years in Albuquerque, His Early Interest in Comedy and His Substance Abuse – As a Lens Page. This Framing Lets Feinartz Cover MOST OF MANON’S LIFE AND EARLY CAREER, But IS NO MEANS Comprehensive.

As with Many of US, Mron’s Emocial Issues Can Be Traned Back to Childhood. The Comedian Talks A Lot About His Dad’s Emotion Inaccessibility. In One Telling anetete, Maron Remembers How Hw Was Often Tasked By His Mother With Telling a Joke Whenever His Father Was in A Mood. “You’re the One Who Can Make Him Laugh,” She Wuld Say.

WHEN BARRY MARON APEARS IN THE DOC, MARON REVEALS THAT HIS FATHER HAS DENTIA. The Condition Complicates their Relationship as Maron Spends More Time With A Person He Hasn’t Really Forgven. The Senior Maron is Also More to the Political Right Than His Son, and Sometimes the Junior Maron References his Facher’s Conspiratorial Thinking. HERE’S WHERE I WISH Feinartz Had Dug A Bit Defeer. IT Sems Like Maron’s Relationship with his Father, Changing So Much in the Face of the Latter’s Disease, Has Aded Another Layer to His Grief. But the doc doesn’t dwell. Insthead, Feinartz Splits his Attention Between This Painful Thread and One Conceerning Maron’s Career Amber.

WHEN HBO Taps The Comedian for a Special, It Boosts Maron’s Confidentnce. His Excitement Is Palpable. He’s Been A Working Comic for Decades and Hasn’t Always Felt As Recognized As His Peers. The Special Makes Him Feel Like He’s Arrived, and It Becomes A Place Whore His Emotion and Artistic Lives Meet Honestly.

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