September 20, 2024
Almost 80,000 doses of flu vaccine will arrive in pharmacies in the near future - Ministry of Health thumbnail

Almost 80,000 doses of flu vaccine will arrive in pharmacies in the near future – Ministry of Health

Almost 80,000 doses of the flu vaccine have passed quality control and will arrive in pharmacies in the near future. This is reported by the Ministry of Health. “The French-made vaccine against four strains of influenza (79,750 doses of the Y4A043V series) has passed state quality control. The State Medical Service issued a positive opinion on the compliance of the quality of the vaccine with the requirements of state and international standards. It will arrive soon”, — write on:

Almost 80,000 doses of the flu vaccine have passed quality control and will arrive in pharmacies in the near future.

This is reported by the Ministry of Health.

“The French-made vaccine against four strains of influenza (79,750 doses of the Y4A043V series) has passed state quality control. The State Medical Service issued a positive opinion on the compliance of the quality of the vaccine with the requirements of state and international standards. In the near future, it will arrive at medical facilities and pharmacies,” the message says.

According to the Ministry of Health, according to the State Medical Service, another 88,200 doses of this vaccine (series Y4A122V) are under control. It is also expected that another 81,850 doses of the same manufacturer’s flu vaccine will be brought to Ukraine by the end of September. In addition, 65,150 doses of Korean-made influenza vaccine (series Q60224011) are currently being tested.

The Ministry of Health reminded that all vaccines arriving in Ukraine are subject to mandatory laboratory quality control. It is carried out by the State Medical Service. After receiving a positive conclusion, vaccines are used in medical institutions, or they are sold in pharmacies.

According to the Ministry of Health, about 6 million cases of infectious diseases are registered in Ukraine every year, 98% of which are influenza and SARS. The increase in morbidity is traditionally observed from the beginning of October. In severe cases, the flu can cause dangerous complications: diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. The most effective prevention of influenza is the annual vaccination, which is recommended (but not included in the list of free vaccines).

As the ministry reminded, influenza vaccination does not protect against COVID-19 and vice versa. Vaccination against these diseases can be done on the same day or with a minimum interval.

Earlier we wrote that the Brazilian health and sanitation regulator Anvisa told about the discovery of suspicion of the mpox virus in one of the passengers of the country’s largest international airport.

We will also remind you that 1,200 new cases of mpox virus infection, also known as monkey pox or monkey pox, were registered in a week in African countries.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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