September 23, 2024
Air quality worsened again in Kyiv thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Air quality worsened again in Kyiv

As of the morning of September 23, deterioration of air quality has been observed in Kyiv and its surroundings, the Ministry of Environment reports. Source: Ministry in Telegram Verbatim department: “According to the monitoring posts of local authorities and public organizations, the level of air pollution is currently average.”, — write:

As of the morning of September 23, deterioration of air quality has been observed in Kyiv and its surroundings, the Ministry of Environment reports.

Source: Ministry in Telegram

Verbatim department: “According to the monitoring posts of local authorities and public organizations, the level of air pollution is currently average.

With such indicators, recommendations on limiting the time spent outside are not mandatory, but we advise you to pay attention to your well-being.”

Details: In case of changes in air quality, the Ministry of Environment promises to provide additional information.

It was previously reported that the reason for the deterioration of air quality in the capital is the burning of peatlands, fires in ecosystems, autumn temperature fluctuations and weak wind.

In such periods, people are advised to:

  • if possible, avoid being outdoors, especially during periods of intense smoke,
  • keep windows and doors closed to prevent smoke from entering the room,
  • drink lots of water
  • use a mask or respirator, as well as an air purifier,
  • do wet cleaning of premises.

People with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are recommended to pay special attention to these tips.

The state of the air and the radiation background can be monitored on the web resource of the Ministry of Environment EcoZagroza.


  • Earlier, the KMDA warned that since the morning of September 20, the air condition in Kyiv has worsened due to fires in the region’s ecosystem. A strong smell of burning can be heard in the city. The authorities advise not to ventilate the premises and to limit prolonged stay on the street.
  • On the same morning, the specialists of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” predicted an improvement in the air condition in Kyiv in a few hours.
  • On the afternoon of September 20, the KMDA reported that air pollution in Kyiv on average is five times higher than the norm, but the situation is gradually improving, in particular in the northern part of the city.

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