September 21, 2024
A wrestler with Ukrainian flags was searched for and detained in the Czech Republic thumbnail

A wrestler with Ukrainian flags was searched for and detained in the Czech Republic

The police of the Czech Republic detained one Yaroslav Popelka, who was sentenced to two months in prison for calls to tear down the Ukrainian flag from the National Museum. Source: “Evropeyska Pravda” with reference to a report from Czech Television Details: The police announced a wanted man after he did not show up at the prison to serve his sentence.”, — write:

illustrative photo by Getty Images

The police of the Czech Republic detained one Yaroslav Popelka, who was sentenced to two months in prison for calls to tear down the Ukrainian flag from the National Museum.

Source: “European Truth” with reference to the message of Czech Television

Details: The police announced a wanted man after he did not show up at the prison to serve his sentence. He had been in the wanted persons database since August.


“Convicted J.P. was handed over by the police of the Czech Republic to serve his sentence on the basis of an order to serve his sentence,” said Eva Shviglerova, press secretary of the District Court of Prague 1.

Popelka called for the destruction of Ukrainian flags last March at an anti-government demonstration in Prague. In addition to a four-month suspended sentence, the court also banned him from being in the capital for a year and a half for incitement. He violated this ban, for which in June of this year the court sent him to prison for two months.

He denied the flag allegations. He insisted that he had committed a misdemeanor at most. But, according to the court, he should have known that he was encouraging conduct that could not be accomplished other than by force.

In connection with the March demonstration last year, the police opened several cases. The district court must consider the case of a man who, according to the police, damaged a car with Ukrainian license plates after the demonstration. In mid-May, he sentenced a 31-year-old man to a six-month suspended prison term for publicly endorsing war crimes.

According to the verdict, he was wearing chevrons with the letter Z and the logo of the Russian PVK “Wagner”, which he wore at the demonstration. The court also banned the man from staying in Prague for a year, and he must pay a fine of 12,000 crowns.

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