The head coach of the Mariupol FCC Oleg Krasnopiorov said that there were only two football players left for financial difficulties in the team. Now it became known that the place of the club in the first league can be occupied by Phoenix, whose management is ready to repay debts of five million hryvnias.
The submaster staff will feed the current season under the name “Mariupol”, and in the 2025/26 campaign will return to the previous name “Phoenix”. Amateur Club head coach Maxim Feshchuk Significantly commented on the following development of the situation:
“So far, talking about anything prematurely – so I cannot talk about some specifics now. Everything is in the process, ”the mentor said.
In the first half of the season of FSC “Mariupol” took sixth place in group B and will continue the fight in the “disposal” group. On March 30, the club should play against the Carpathian region.