September 20, 2024
A demobilized conscript who became a Russian spy was detained in Zaporizhzhia thumbnail

A demobilized conscript who became a Russian spy was detained in Zaporizhzhia

In Zaporizhzhia, an agent of the Russian military intelligence was detained, who was spying on the Ukrainian troops involved in hostilities on the southern front. He is a 22-year-old demobilized conscript who previously served in one of the military garrisons of Ukraine. This is reported by the Security Service. In this case, the enemy was interested in the geolocations of command posts, warehouses with ammunition and fortified areas of the Defense Forces in the Zaporizhzhia direction. Also”, — write on:

In Zaporizhzhia, an agent of the Russian military intelligence was detained, who was spying on the Ukrainian troops involved in hostilities on the southern front. He is a 22-year-old demobilized conscript who previously served in one of the military garrisons of Ukraine.

This is reported by the Security Service.

In this case, the enemy was interested in the geolocations of command posts, warehouses with ammunition and fortified areas of the Defense Forces in the Zaporizhzhia direction. The occupiers also wanted to know about the main routes of movement, the estimated number and names of combat equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is heading to the front line.

“The young man came to the attention of the military intelligence of the Russian Federation through his parents, who live in the temporarily occupied part of the territory of the Zaporizhzhia region and cooperate with the Russian special service. In May of this year, he retired to the reserve and settled in the regional center. Later, a personnel employee of the 316th Intelligence Center of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (better known as the game) based in Sevastopol approached him remotely. The identity of the occupier has already been established by SBU employees,” the report said.

First, the enemy intelligence officer requested from his agent the coordinates of the combat units and logistics warehouses of the military unit in which the former soldier was serving. Then, on the instructions of the Russian army, the traitor began to go around the front-line city, where he secretly recorded the locations of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the bridges through which they move in the direction of the front line.

The enemy planned to use the intelligence to prepare strikes against the Defense Forces using guided aerial bombs, kamikaze drones and heavy artillery.

We will remind that SBU employees in the Chernivtsi region collected the evidence base and informed the governor of the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation about the suspicion in absentia. He is accused of supplying the Russian military with weapons to kill Ukrainians.

The Security Service of Ukraine reported the suspicion of the archimandrite of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in justifying Russia’s armed aggression.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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