September 21, 2024
A competition for positions in the supervisory board of Ukrenergo has been announced thumbnail

A competition for positions in the supervisory board of Ukrenergo has been announced

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine announced competitive selection for three positions of independent members of the supervisory board of Ukrenergo. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of Energy. This decision is related to the end of the term of office of the current members in 2024-2025. Along with the competition for independent members, the Ministry of Energy also plans to elect state representatives to the supervisory board. Selection of all members — four independent and three representatives of the state”, — write on:

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine announced competitive selection for three positions of independent members of the supervisory board of Ukrenergo.

This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of Energy.

This decision is related to the end of the term of office of the current members in 2024-2025.

Along with the competition for independent members, the Ministry of Energy also plans to elect state representatives to the supervisory board. The selection of all members — four independents and three representatives of the state — is planned to be completed by December 9.

The selection process must comply with the current legislation of Ukraine, the company’s charter and the principles of corporate governance of the OECD. The ministry emphasized that the supervisory board will be formed transparently, taking into account the diversity of its composition. The first task of the new council is to conduct a transparent competition for the position of the chairman of the board of Ukrenergo.

Earlier we wrote that Ukraine is significantly ahead of many European countries in the share of decarbonized energy, that is, which is produced without carbon dioxide emissions.

We will also remind you that the High Anti-Corruption Court refused to grant the request of the lawyers to change the preventive measure against the ex-Deputy Minister of Energy Oleksandr Hale. He will remain in custody until October 8.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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