“President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that Ukraine coordinates food aid to this country with its partners and the Syrian side. Source: President’s address Direct speech: “Today I discussed with our government officials, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minagro the issue of food aid within the framework of the “Grain from Ukraine” program, in particular, for Syria.”, — write: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: President’s address
Direct speech: “Today I discussed with our government officials, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minagro the issue of food aid within the framework of the “Grain from Ukraine” program, in particular, for Syria. This is our humanitarian program, which has already done a lot to stabilize the food situation in difficult regions of the world.
Now we can help Syrians with Ukrainian wheat, flour, oil, our products, which work globally to guarantee food security.
We coordinate with partners and the Syrian side, decide on logistics. We definitely support this region so that peace there can become a support for us in the movement towards real peace.”
What preceded: On December 14, Zelenskyi said that Ukraine is ready to help Syria prevent a food crisis, in particular, thanks to the “Grain from Ukraine” humanitarian program.