February 26, 2025
Ukrainians abroad will be able to get armor from mobilization remotely: how will it work thumbnail

Ukrainians abroad will be able to get armor from mobilization remotely: how will it work

Ukrainians who are in other countries will be able to receive armor from mobilization with further employment in Ukraine in special foreign centers.

The Minister of National Unity Alexei Chernyshov in the event of the UP “War 2025. Weapons, people, money” informed about it.

According to him, the so-called Unity Hub is now created in the countries of the greatest stay of Ukrainians, which will allow in the future to attach citizens to the labor market in Ukraine from abroad.

“Our task is that a person, when crossing the border, has already had a status that prevents him from getting into a situation where he is mobilized between the border and the plant,” – commenting on the issue of booking Ukrainians from abroad that can be involved for work in the defensive industry.

For this purpose, such foreign centers will be created. They will offer Ukrainians a certain list of services, in particular – employment and booking, if provided.

At the same time, Chernyshov added that any Ukrainian can get a reservation from mobilization, if provided in a certain area of ​​employment.


In June 2024 the Cabinet of Ministers Introduced Changes to Resolution No. 76, according to which the defense-industrial complex (defense) and energy companies will be able to book up to 100% of employees. Booking is also introduced through the Action Portal.

”, – WRITE: epravda.com.ua

Ukrainians who are in other countries will be able to receive armor from mobilization with further employment in Ukraine in special foreign centers.

The Minister of National Unity Alexei Chernyshov in the event of the UP “War 2025. Weapons, people, money” informed about it.

According to him, the so-called Unity Hub is now created in the countries of the greatest stay of Ukrainians, which will allow in the future to attach citizens to the labor market in Ukraine from abroad.

“Our task is that a person, when crossing the border, has already had a status that prevents him from getting into a situation where he is mobilized between the border and the plant,” – commenting on the issue of booking Ukrainians from abroad that can be involved for work in the defensive industry.

For this purpose, such foreign centers will be created. They will offer Ukrainians a certain list of services, in particular – employment and booking, if provided.

At the same time, Chernyshov added that any Ukrainian can get a reservation from mobilization, if provided in a certain area of ​​employment.


In June 2024 the Cabinet of Ministers Introduced Changes to Resolution No. 76, according to which the defense-industrial complex (defense) and energy companies will be able to book up to 100% of employees. Booking is also introduced through the Action Portal.

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