This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.
It is noted that previously obtaining a license for the production of industrial hemp lasted up to 3 months. And now It is enough to register in the register of legal entities that carry out sowing, cultivation and processing of hemp for industrial purposes, and there is no need to receive licenses and quotas.
For registration in the register, you must prepare a qualified electronic signature and apply through the Econoplyl e -cabinet.
As reported in the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, to legal entities engaged in the production of hemp for Industrial purposes, in Econopline the following modules are available:
- The module of registration of economic entities in the field of industrial hemp;
- Land registration and management module;
- Sowing and crop module;
- Laboratory research module;
- Lift and reporting module;
- Interactive map.
The Econobli system integrates with state registers and systems, in particular:
- The unified state register of legal entities, natural persons – entrepreneurs and public formations (hereinafter – the EDR);
- State Register of Real Property Rights (hereinafter – DRRP);
- State Land Cadastre (hereinafter referred to as SCC);
- Information and communication system of e-Ukrainian production (State Register of Plant Varieties, suitable for distribution in Ukraine; register of certificates for seeds and/or planting material).
Read also: Nothing narcotic, only business. What will give Ukraine the legalization of medical cannabis
From gunpowder to clothing. How is industrial hemp being revived
In early January in Ukraine has registered the first active pharmaceutical ingredient based on medical cannabis – oral drops from the Spanish manufacturer Curaleaf. In the first half of 2025, production pharmacies of Ukraine will start the sale of drops based on medical cannabis.
”, – WRITE: epravda.com.ua
This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.
It is noted that previously obtaining a license for the production of industrial hemp lasted up to 3 months. And now It is enough to register in the register of legal entities that carry out sowing, cultivation and processing of hemp for industrial purposes, and there is no need to receive licenses and quotas.
For registration in the register, you must prepare a qualified electronic signature and apply through the Econoplyl e -cabinet.
As reported in the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, to legal entities engaged in the production of hemp for Industrial purposes, in Econopline the following modules are available:
- The module of registration of economic entities in the field of industrial hemp;
- Land registration and management module;
- Sowing and crop module;
- Laboratory research module;
- Lift and reporting module;
- Interactive map.
The Econobli system integrates with state registers and systems, in particular:
- The unified state register of legal entities, natural persons – entrepreneurs and public formations (hereinafter – the EDR);
- State Register of Real Property Rights (hereinafter – DRRP);
- State Land Cadastre (hereinafter referred to as SCC);
- Information and communication system of e-Ukrainian production (State Register of Plant Varieties, suitable for distribution in Ukraine; register of certificates for seeds and/or planting material).
Read also: Nothing narcotic, only business. What will give Ukraine the legalization of medical cannabis
From gunpowder to clothing. How is industrial hemp being revived
In early January in Ukraine has registered the first active pharmaceutical ingredient based on medical cannabis – oral drops from the Spanish manufacturer Curaleaf. In the first half of 2025, production pharmacies of Ukraine will start the sale of drops based on medical cannabis.