“The Security Service of Ukraine is behind the attack on the Kadamovsky training ground in Novocherkassk, Rostov region of the Russian Federation on December 22. Source: interlocutor of “Ukrainian Pravda” in the special services: Details: According to the UP source, this training ground is one of the largest in Russia.”, — write: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: interlocutor of “Ukrainian Pravda” in the special services
Details: According to the UP source, this landfill is one of the largest in Russia.
On the night of December 22, hellish “cotton” blossomed there.
After the SBU drones were hit, there was an explosion and subsequent detonation of ammunition in the warehouse.
According to the interlocutor of the UP, as a result of the attack, the enemy warehouse was completely destroyed. It was he who the enemy used to support his troops in the Kramatorsk direction.
What preceded: On December 22, Astra reported that as a result of an attack on the Rostov region of the Russian Federation, the largest Russian military training ground “Kadamovsky” was damaged.
It was noted that at least 4 drones targeted the territory of the “Kadamovskyi” military training ground in the village of Persianovskyi, Novocherkaska. A fire and detonation started as a result of the attack on the warehouse with ammunition at the training ground. The 150th motorized rifle division is stationed near the training ground.