“The Ministry of Internal Affairs, responding to resonance in society, explains that the amendments to the National Guard Law, which are currently under consideration in the Verkhovna Rada, do not give the Guards dangerous to the civilian population with powers.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: Explanation on the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Literally: “There was a lot of attention to the bill on amendments to the Law” On the National Guard of Ukraine “on improving the legal basis for the application of coercive measures by the servicemen of National Guard No. 10311. There were various interpretations and headings. Therefore, we decided to answer the most common questions.”
Details: As explained in the department, the need for such a bill is due to the full -scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. The new bill should only bring the National Guard law in line with other, existing legal norms “to fulfill the Guards of those tasks and functions they perform during martial law, and taking into account the topical tasks performed by the National Guard now.”
The Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasizes that the proposed changes do not extend the powers of the National Guard, but only order them, but on the use of rubber bands, electric stuners and means of forced stopping of transport, the guards could still use them. This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 20, 2017 No. 1024 “On Approval of the List and Rules of Application of Special Means by the National Guard by the National Guard during the execution of official tasks” was allowed by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Literally: “But both the current version of the Law of Ukraine” On the National Guard of Ukraine “and the proposed draft Law of Ukraine stipulates that the application of coercive measures is an extreme measure, which can be applied by the National Guard of Ukraine within clearly defined limits and methods, and also contains rules for the obligation to prevent their use.”
Details: In addition, they say in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the draft law, some rules are almost completely duplicated from the laws on the National Police, the State Border Service and the Military Law Enforcement Service for the Armed Forces.
The department added that in general, changes to the law are aimed at detailing the powers of the National Guard and ensuring a clear normative definition of its activity.
Literally: “Guards must have legal instruments to counteract DRG, criminals, serve in places where people need it in frontier areas and in the liberated territories. Our task is to protect the state and the security of citizens.”
That preceded: Earlier, the NGO “Center for Combating Corruption” drew attention to the fact that the Verkhovna Rada Law Enforcement Committee supported a bill that allows the National Guard to use firearms and tear gas against civilians during mass riots.
The CPC was warned that part of the new powers of the National Guard in the Bill – “is not related to the effective protection of the state, but only gives the power to disperses rallies in the style of the liquidated unit” Berkut “.