September 19, 2024
Italy announced the delivery of SAMP/T to Ukraine by the end of September thumbnail

Italy announced the delivery of SAMP/T to Ukraine by the end of September

Italian Defense Minister Guido Crozetto said that Ukraine will receive the promised SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile complex by the end of September. Source: “European Truth” with reference to Rai News. Details: At a European conference dedicated to the production of air defense equipment, Crozetto announced that “by the end of the month, the new SAMP/T anti-aircraft complex will be delivered to Ukraine.””, — write:

Italian Defense Minister Guido Crozetto said that Ukraine will receive the promised SAMP/T anti-aircraft missile complex by the end of September.

Source: “European truth” with reference to Rai News.

Details: At a European conference dedicated to the production of air defense equipment, Crozetto announced that “by the end of the month, the new SAMP/T anti-aircraft complex will be delivered to Ukraine.”


“We know how much each minute of delay costs,” he emphasized.

It became officially known in June that Ukraine will receive the SAMP/T air defense system. Last week, the foreign ministers of Ukraine and Italy discussed a new Italian military aid package.

Ukraine received the first SAMP/T system, also known as MAMBA, in 2023. This Franco-Italian battery can track dozens of targets and intercept 10 simultaneously – and it’s also the only European-made system capable of intercepting ballistic missiles.

Read also more about what kind of air defense Ukraine will receive and whether the sky will close the aid from the USA.

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