“In different cities of Slovakia, protests against the policy of Prime Minister Robert Fitzo began in the evening of Fridays. The slogan of protesters – “Slovakia is Europe.” Source: “European Truth” with reference to Aktuality.”, – WRITE: www.pravda.com.ua
Source: “European Truth” with reference to Aktuality.
Details: The protest against the Fitzo Government in Slovakia is organized by the Initiative “Mir of Ukraine” and opposition political parties. Protests in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Ireland are also reported.
Photo: Aktuality
In connection with the rallies, the police have taken security measures to ensure a peaceful and safe course. She also urged everyone to respect the instructions and calls of the police on the ground and be attentive to others during public meetings.
Photo: Aktuality
In most Slovak cities, several thousand people came to protests. In Kosice, for example, the media counted 15,000 participants.
It is also reported that in some cities they announced contracts under the slogan “Slovakia – not Ukraine”. In Bratislava, about 40 people came to such an action.
Earlier this week, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitzo stated that the country is preparing a “coup” with the participation of opposition, non-governmental organizations, media, as well as a “secret group of experts” from abroad.
The Slovak opposition, who tries to declare a vote of distrust of the Fitzo government, rejects these statements and says that they are only the tactics of intimidation of citizens.