September 20, 2024
EU Ambassador on Ukraine's accession to the European Union: Realistically until 2030 thumbnail

EU Ambassador on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union: Realistically until 2030

Forecasts regarding Ukraine’s accession to the European Union by the end of the decade are quite realistic, says EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarina Maternova. Source: the ambassador in an interview with “EvroPravda” Maternova’s direct speech: “I have already said in an interview before and I will repeat myself: I believe that the goal set by President Michel – Ukraine’s accession to the EU by the end of this decade – is realistic.””, — write:

EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarina Maternova. Screenshot from EP video

Forecasts regarding Ukraine’s accession to the European Union by the end of the decade are quite realistic, says EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarina Maternova.

Source: the ambassador in an interview with “EvroPravda”

Maternova’s direct speech: “I have already said in an interview before and I will say it again: I believe that the goal set by President Michel – Ukraine’s accession to the EU by the end of this decade – is realistic.”


Details: To the journalist’s remark about the year 2030, she repeated that she considers it a realistic deadline.

“But accession to the EU – and this must be realized – is not only a technical process of membership negotiations, which in itself takes time. And it is also a political ratification in all member states, because the accession of a new member means a change in the EU treaty. That is why it must be ratified in the format required by each of the EU countries. And this always takes a certain amount of time. Yes, during the 2004 enlargement, it took about a year and a half,” the ambassador explained.


  • Maternova also told how the EU is preparing to support Ukraine in the cold season.
  • The ambassador believes that a difficult winter awaits Ukraine, but the situation will not be catastrophic.

Watch the full interview with Katarina Maternova about preparing for winter, money for weapons and joining the EU.

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